Tanki X has been officially released!
Greetings and congratulations, tankers!
Today, March 13th, 2018, becomes the official release date of Tanki X. The project is officially leaving the Open Beta Testing. Hurray!
What does this mean for Tanki X?
Starting today, Tanki X will no longer wear the OBT badge as well as the Early Access badge on Steam. We will now continue to develop the project in new ways. We will focus on working closely with our players and will do everything in our powers to make the game more attractive, comfortable, and overall better. During the upcoming weeks, Tanki X will be released in several new regions, which means that we will be expanding our audience.
Our development team is sending the most sincere “Thank you” to our dedicated fans. For your critical feedback, for showing your concerns about the future of Tanki X, for being with us through ups and downs, and for your desire to continue supporting your and our favorite game. Thank you!
What celebration goes without gifts?
For an entire week, starting with the 13th of March and until the 19th of March, 5:00 UTC, upon visiting the game you will receive:
- A new unique paint called “The Beginning”. This paint will soon become as unique as the CBT paint, so don’t miss your chance of getting it. This paint will NEVER be given away nor sold in our in-game store after this celebration.
- A helping set of blueprints: 10 hacker’s blueprints containers and 5 smuggler’s blueprints containers.
- 50 X-crystals every day. For the duration of the celebration (6 days), upon visiting the game, you will receive a small batch of yellow minerals (50 X-crystals). You can use them to buy containers or skins, as well as module upgrades.
Attention! If you haven’t played Tanki X for a while, you will need to play 1-2 battles before receiving the gift.
Additionally, we’re running a very cool contest this week, called “Bounty Hunters”. The winners of this contest will be rewarded a Genesis Rhod110 gaming keyboards each, as well as X-crystals, premium, and more. CLICK HERE to find out more about it.
This is truly an important date for us. Hopefully, you won’t miss the celebration!
OBT Infographic
Now, we would like to wrap up the Open Beta Testing with a cool infographic. We will display it in two formats, video, and image. While checking it out, don’t forget that every minute and hour you invested into the game, is reflected in this infographic. You have made a difference and will forever remain an important figure in the history of Tanki X.
Click here to see the image format of the infographic.
What awaits us next?
We decided to take a different approach to the game updates. These will now become rarer (1-2 per month) and the first few will be focused on debugging the in-game features. Also, technical updates, as well as server restarts in the morning (Europe time), might become a more frequent affair. That is needed in order to keep up the performance of the game and the servers, as well as occasional hot-fixes.
Our developer’s diary release plan will change as well. New episodes will be released only on important occasions. Additionally, we are thinking about changing the name of our “Developer’s Diary” to “Tanki News”. But, you will always be able to stay informed by watching our Livestreams on YouTube, which we will resume on March 21st. These will become the main hub for news, insides, giveaways and other fun stuff. Oh, and you can also ask questions and get them answered by our community managers. Stay tuned!
We have a couple of things to tell you about what’s going to happen in the near future.
- One of them is the development of avatars, those that were promised to our CBT participants.
- Our progress on debugging the game and its features.
- Recent survey results.
- Hydra season wrap up. The season is scheduled to end on March 22nd.
The official release of the game is in no way the end, it is only the beginning.
Fire at will!