
Update: Daily Bonuses

Daily Bonuses

Today, we released daily bonuses, which can also be called a month-long quest. Doing 1-2 actions per day, you can obtain crystals, charges for your teleport, and even container shards with which you can assemble a container.

How do you get the daily bonuses?

Right below the daily quests icon on the main menu, you can now see a button that looks like a teleport. To many new players, this button will only appear after they played 2 battles to the very end.


Once you’ve clicked the button, the menu of the daily bonuses will appear. The teleportation device with the button on the left, and the surrounding map on the right. You will  then have pick one of the yellow dots on the map and teleport one to your garage. The yellow dots represent different rewards.


Teleportation rules

  • The teleportation device can only be used 31 times. After that, it will be replaced free of charge.
  • You can teleport one item every 20 hours.
  • The progress of the quest will not be interrupted, even if you can’t make it into the game a few days.
  • Most of the time, there are several items on the map, but you only need to pick the one you need now. You can pick the rest later.
  • The more items you teleport, the better your teleportation device will get. This will make your device better, allowing you to teleport items from distant places.
  • The rewards are different for every quest cycle.

Possible rewards

  • Crystals and X-crystals
  • Teleport charges that allow you to play ranked battles
  • Container shards which grant you a container when you gather the required number of shards.

Good luck, tankers!

Update Daily quests


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